Dance till Your leg aches
Laugh till your stomach hurts
Smile till your cheeks ache
Walk till ur ankle and knee hurts
title: last post of the year... Are you ready for a long survey that actually has some new questions?
yadda yadda ya Is there someone who makes you instantly smile when you receive a message from them? yeah Name something you dislike about the day you’re having? going off............................... Are you disappointed in anyone? nope If you are being extremely quiet what does that mean? angry, tired, bored, sad, not in the mood to talk, shy What were you doing at 3am this morning? Sleeping Do you have a friend you can tell stuff to and you’re sure they won’t tell anyone? Yes!! Is there anything in your past that you would do differently? Of course. Will this weekend be a good one? YES!!!!!!!!!!! GET TO RIDE AND CONTROL THE HORSE BY MYSELF!!!!!! miss those horse-y times... LOL How many tattoos would you get? ZERO!! What is the latest you’ve stayed up in the past week? 1.30am Do you like being around a large group of friends, or a best friend? how about a large group of friends with your best friends!! xD Where’s your phone right now? beside my com Is there a night you would like to put on repeat, and live it forever? nope... Have you ever fallen asleep while texting someone? Yeap Who was your last missed call from? my dad... What woke you up this morning? phone alarm Could you date someone taller than you? Yes Is there anyone that hates you right now? IDK Have you ever woke up next to someone and wanted to puke? No!!! If someone liked you, what would be the best way for them to tell you? err..... face to face??????????????????????????????????????????????? Are you looking forward to anything? riding horses and schoooooooooooooooooolllllllllllllllllllllllllll Do you like surprises? Yes Would you rather your partner have gorgeous eyes or a gorgeous smile? Both Is it easy to make you smile? IDK. LOL.... What color is your toothbrush? yellow Have you ever had a black and white cat? No Last time you had someone cook for you? this morning What are you doing right now? this note Has the death of a celebrity ever made you cry? nope, i'm so heartless... HAHAHA Are promises important to you? yep Where did you get the shirt you are wearing? school.... HAHA LOL!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE THE PE SHIRT OK!!!!!! IT ROCKSSSSSSSSSSS Are you a morning person or a night person? Night What are you listening to right now? songs Eye color? black Do you wear contacts/glasses? Yeah. Favorite Season? winter Last Movie you Watched? new moon Piercings? ear... What were you doing before filling this out? downloading songs to my phone... Right-handed or Left-handed? right-handed Are you missing someone? YES! Do you have a tattoo? Nope. How’s your hair? normal i guess Do you still watch cartoons on Saturday mornings? NO! First thing you thought about this morning? sleeping again... but int he end, i did not.. LOL Are you shy? sometimes Favorite tv show? YB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What are the things you always take with you? Glasses Are you there for your friends? i guess... Are you a forgiving person? Sometimes What alcohol do you drink? errr...i dun drink Who is with you now? no one.. i locked my room... LOL Who were you with last time you ate? family and another 2 ppl... Who is the last person you talked to on the phone? dad... Has anyone ever said you look like a celebrity? yes... i a objected........ LOL!!! What are your plans for tonight? sleep... If you could move somewhere else, would you? No What’s your favorite subject? primary-MATHS!!!!!!!!!!! secondary- IDK!!! lol Last thing that made you laugh out loud? HK!!!! NOT HONG KONG!!!!!!! Do you want to be married right now? OH MY GOSH, NO NO NO!!! What do you usually do first in the morning stay in my bed and listen to music.. LOL Do you drink coffee on a regular basis? NO! What are you looking forward to about tomorrow? SEEING RELATIVESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!! Do you know anyone who is a hypocrite? YES.... LOL Are you expecting a phone call? nope Do you think alcohol should be banned? errrrrrr........... When you’re in a bad mood, what will always put you in a better mood? when i see HK!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
title: Today ... people are here in my house.. as in visitor.. LOL.. and i am using the com... bad rite??? lol... chatting with hilda and fozzie... LOL... my mum came in without noicing that i actually was using the com.. YEAH... lol... b4 this, i chatted with gen and mdm aisha.. HER SON GOT 271 for PSLE!! SO SMART!!! he go to RI.. so smart sia.. LOL... then mdm aisha said that nicole lian got a BOYFRIEND!!! HAHA LOL!!!! then whatever... and blah blah blah...
title: WEIRDEST and stupid dream that i had... Me and my family went to taka. while while in taka. Nicole lian smsed me saying that she finally got her FIRST PART TIME JOB in taka.. she was asking me to see her at this shop... on the way there, i got lost... then i all of a sudden saw Hilda.. then i was like "HILDA POH!!!!!!!!" then she turn around and dragged me to where nicole lian worked..and gen, she was wearing this costume that made me laughed and laugh... then i have no idea what happen and before going home, hilda stupidly say "hey! since there is 6 of us, then on monday, i will do the work... the tuesday will be you..... you..... you..." then nicole was like "NONONO!! i worked hard to get this job ok!! no way will i share it with u ppl" then whatever happened and then i woke up.. so stupid.. WHAT KIND OF DREAM IS THIS!!!??? we are only 12 and PART TIME JOB??? IN TAKA.????? WHAT!?????????? haiz... anyway, i just found out that fozzi tag on someone blog and i was shocked.. and i also tag and whatever... lol
title: alpha friends Rules are you enter the letter into the search box and choose one person to write about ( if the same person comes up twice use next down the list ) Tag each person you mention.
Let's begin .. A. Angel marie jason 1) Do you love this person? as a friend, yes.. 2) Is this person your enemy? Nope 3) Is this person taller than you? err..... i have no idea.. whoops B. Beverly jieu 1) What do you really think of this person? SMART! 2) What’s their favourite color? purple 3) Ever danced with them? yes.. she is my ballet partner... LOL C. Chloe Ng 1) Do you like this person? as a friend, yes.. lol 2) Where did you meet this person? Primary Three. 3) How old is she? 12. D. Dilys 1) How long have you known him/her? Since Primary 5... 2) Biggest regret? erm... IDK E. Eunice wang 1) Have you met their parents? yep. 2) Worst thing about this person? ... IDK 3) Best thing about this person? Tall F. Faustina Miranda 1) Have you ever dated this person? EWW. NO. 2) When is the next time you will see him/her? VERY SOON!!! 3) Do you go to school with her/him? OF COURSE!!! lol G. Genevieve 1) Is she a good listener?yep 2) Have you ever lied to this person? erm... joking around counted? lol 3) Is this person nice? Yeah. H. HiLda 1) What year is she in? primary6 in 2009 2) Is he/she one of your GOOD friends? yep.. 3) Ever done something illegal with this person? did i??? i know she does illegal thing such as DRIVING A CAR WITHOUT A LICENSE!! I. Isabella 1) What is this person’s favourite food? Noodles.. LOL 2) How did you meet this person? WS in the same school and same condo.. 3) Do you trust them? Yea. J. Joy 1) Do they have any siblings? Yea. 2) Do you know his/her favourite song? erm... 3) What would you do if he/she confessed they liked you? YEAH RITE!!! that would NEVER happen.. ewww.......... K. kristal 1) How old were you when you first met? 11. 2) How did you meet? Same class. 3) Ever danced with this person? Yessssss. Haha. L. Linette 1) What wouldn't you have done if you had never met this person? her sister wont know me and will not know what is "egg egg girl" 2) Do you like him/her? As a friend. 3) Would you go to Disney World with this person?maybe M. Marilyn Chiang 1) Is this person older than you? YES 2) Is this person single? IDK.. 3) How many times do you talk to him/her in a week? During ballet.. if she come and i come.. N. Nicole 1) Is this person your boyfriend/girlfriend?nope. 2) Have you seen this person cry? nope. 3) Do you know this person’s middle name? yes.. O.oval.. )fellow oval) 1) Are you related? nope.. 2) Could you live with this person? I DONT WANT TO LIVE WITH EMO!! 3) Do you believe this person is gay? NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! P. Priscilla 1) Have you ever been to the mall with this person? Nope. 2) What do you think of him/her?quiet... 3) Does this person have a job? Nope. Q. Queen of shrivelled apples.. LOL 1) Does this person drink alcohol? Nope. She's a very kuai girl :D 2) Have you seen this person dance? Yesssss. Hahaha. 3) Where does she work? SAC. R. Rachael 1) Have you heard this person sing? Nope. BUT I WANT TO. 2) Do you think this person will repost this? No. 3) How do you know this person? same class. S. Sashika 1) Is this person taller than you? YES.... 2) Do you enjoy spending time with him/her?lol.. yep. 3) Do they live close to you? NO!!! i live in one side of singapore and she lives at the other other... LOL T. Tuna 1) Would you do anything for him/her? YES... cos she is "invisible" 2) Have you been to his/her house? YES... live in the same house... 3) Is this person a smart?NO! U. UFO 1) Is this person in a relationship? IDK 2) Do you know where he lives? outer space 3) What colour hair does this person have? GREEN!!! lol V. Victoria 1) Do you see this person alot? YES 2) When did you meet her/him? IDK.. WHEN I WAS YOUNG 3) Is this person your friend? Yessssssssssssssss. W. Worm 1) Is this person quiet or loud? QUIET 2) Name a friend that that she is close too? LEAFY 3) What color eyes does this person have? brown X.xylaphone 1) Why are you friends with him/her?... IT iS FUN 2) Have you ever gone anywhere with them? I want to. 3) What is one thing you would change about them? Nothing. Y. Yeast 1) Does this person wear make-up? YES 2) Does this person play any instruments? IDK 3) What is his/her favourite sport? BADMINTON Z. Zebra 1) Does this person have MSN/AIM? Yea. 2) Ever gone shopping with him/her? YES 3) Does this person have any special skills? Yes. |
title: School WOW!!! i am actually in the same class as ALOT of ppl... lol... so amazing... 1 of my teacher was stuck at either japan or england.. SO RICH... lol.. then the other one is sick.. so we had this weird teacher... the teacher taught us about the number 3... lol... then blah blah blah... then bah blah blah again... then reached home eat then use this then talked to fozzie about HK!!! (seriously, not hong kong...).. and gthen hilda came online.. and blah blah blah... so byebye...
title: Weird shrivelled apple |
title: 83 questions answered... 1. Who is/are your best guy friend(s)? ... 2. If someone were to tell you they like you right now, would you care? it depends on who it is... LOL 3. Do you still talk to the person you fell hardest for? ... erm.. kind of 4. Where did you last sleep other than your house? hotel and other ppl's house... 5. Do you have a best friend? nope. 6. Do you smoke? NO WAY 7. Do you remember what you were like when you were a kid? ... yes... never forgetting one incident that i actually told Genevieve.. 8. Can you vote for the next election? nope 9. What are you listening to? DA LUNG DA LUNG DA LUNG DA LUNG DA LUNG 10. When will your next kiss be? i have no idea 11. Who do you want to see right now? no one 12. Ever have a sleepover with the opposite sex? NO! 13. When did your last hug take place? this morning 14. Do you date smart people? dunno 15. Where were you at 2:02 pm this afternoon? watching a show 16. What does the last text in your phone says? and from who? Ok...? (from sashika) 17. Do you use smiley faces on the computer a lot? YES 18. Have you ever changed clothes in a vehicle? NO19. Who did you last eat with? family plus trixie!!!! HAHAHA 20. Do you text alot? YES 21. How old would you be in 13 months? 13... 22. When is the last time you tattooed? ... never had one..23. If you like that person will you talk about your feelings or hide them? hide 25. What are you looking forward to in the next month? GOING TO SCHOOL 26. Will you talk to the person you like tonight? i don't even like anyone at the moment 28. Do you have a reason to smile right now? YES!! 29. If you won a lot of money on the lottery, what would you buy first ? not sure... 30. Who was the last person of the opposite sex you had a conversation with? John...31. Who was driving the last car you were in?(Not including your parents) the last one who drove the car that i was in, was my father... since i cant include my parents, it would be Genevieve's dad 32. Who was the last person that called you? Hilda.. i had to tell her about emo spitting 33. What are you craving right now? nothing 35. What are you excited about? 2MR!! where i can watch some new stuff.. LOL36. Ever kissed your number 1 on facebook? ??? 37. When was the last time you cried? And why? Just now... i laughed too much cos of someone's expression... 38. Ever kissed someone who's name starts with an A? no 39. Is there one person who can make you feel better no matter what? err, i guess 40. Last person you hugged? John 41. What were you doing at 2:00 am last night? Sleeping 42. Have you cried today? yes.. 43. What bed did you sleep in last night? my bed 44. Are you currently frustrated with a girl/guy? yes..45. Ever talked to someone that was high? I want to! cos i never did.. LOL 46. Does it snow where you live? if u count snow city then yes, if not, then no 47. When is the next time you will see your grandma? this coming week 48. Have you kissed or hugged someone today ? hugged yes, kissed NO!!! 49. Will you be married in the next two years ? -.- i'll be like 14 50. Have you ever wanted someone you thought that you couldn't have? err...what?? 51. Are you in a relationship, single, complicated, married, or engaged? SINGLE!!!! and i LOVE it 52. How have you felt today? happy?? 53. Do you like your name? yeah 54. Are you happy at the moment? Yes 55. What were you doing at 10:00pm last night ? sms-ing, chatting, watching 56. Last person who drove you somewhere (besides your parents)? Genevieve's Dad 57. Ever kissed someone in a closet? NO 58. Do you live alone ? No59. Do you have a friend of the opposite sex that you can talk to? err... i guess 60. Are you crazy ? erm... the answer is obvious so there is no need to say... 61. Who was the last person to call you babe? i have never, in my whole life, been called that before 62. How has this past week been for you? FUN!!! and a little boring also.. 63. Last thing you drank ? milk!64. Do you believe that every thing happens for a reason? yes 65. Could you ever forgive a cheater? depends on what kind of cheater 66. If you were reincarnated as a sea creature, what would you want to be? BLUE WHALE!! 67. What do you normally order when you're at McDonald's? fries... 70. Describe the last time you were injured? PAINFUL!!! 71. Of all your friends, who would you want to be stuck in a well with? hilda, LOL cos she's like so tall so i can climb on her and escape. 74. If you could only use a form of transportation, what would it be? MRT 75. Whats your favorite kind of cake? chocolate 76. Look 20 degrees to your left, what do you see? calendar 77. Do you untie your shoes when you take it off? nope.. oops.. LOL 78. Do you buy your own groceries? no. 79. What's your favorite fruit? GRAPES AND APPLE!!! 80. Do you like running long distances? dependz on why i am running a long distance.. 81. What color are your bedsheets? Blue... 82. What's the way people most often mispronounce any part of your name?Like, without the "h". ... Trixie became Tracy... sometimes they even call me Nathania... 83. Lastly, whats your favorite color? ALOT!! blue, green, yellow, black and purple.. |
title: GENENEVIEVE DANCED!!! Yesterday, i went to gen's house... we watched shows and saw this HILARIOUS thing on youtube... 3:43.... HAHA LOL... we laughed at the expressions and whatever... while watching, EMO SPIT ON MY SHIRT THEN SPIT ON GEN'S HEAD!!! EWWWWWWWWWWW!!! after all the spitting, we kicked them out.. hahaha lol.. then we cycled to the library and on the way back, we bought ice pops.. we asked Hilda to come down her block for a surprise.. but she was too lazy to see the SURPRISE!! so we waited for hilda even though we knew she would not come down at all.. we finished our ice pops while "waiting" for hilda to come. then we cycled backt o gen's house and continued watching stuff... then we were watching this show that i forgot.. then i turned around, all of sudden saw Gen's father... I DID NOT NOTICE HIM WALK PASS ME!!! so embarrassing.. then we went to the party.. people were dancing to that song that i have no idea what u call it... and there was this part that they have to SHAKE their butts...so i watch them do it.. and their was this next dance and gen DRAGGED ME INTO IT!!! so i danced with her... there were danceSSSS... there was this CHICKEN dance that we had to do!! lol!! then there was also this hockey pokey dance.. so different from the school hockey pokey.. LOL... then Gen did a CHA CHA dance that i took video of!! YEAHH!!! hen she did a salsa dance but sadly i did not take video!! so sad... then we redid the dancess. and gen forced me to do the shaking of butt dance... and if u dont concentrate on the dance, U WILL GET CONUSED... GEN and this guy stepped on the same TOE!!! then there was this performance by some ppl.. hip hop.. SO COOL! he did a split!!! but sadly i did not see it.. everyone shouted "WAHH! HE DID A SPLIT!" sadly, i missed it..then we had this game, where we have to pass the rubberbands thru straws.. and the person that i had to pass to was SHORT!! so i had to bend down for 5 MINS!!! then happily, my group won.. my "hard work" paid off.. then we had this gift exchange.. i did not know that i picked up the gift that i was suppose to give.. so stupid... and why did i not know, cos the i did not reconize the gift wrapper.. but that gift was prepared by gen's mum. so it was like Gen gave me the gift.. THE GIFT IS SO CUTE!!! john tot it was a lego.. and he LOVES lego.. so he took and i grabbed it back and ran to my room and lock the door.. YEAH... haha lol.. anyway,on the way to the car... Hilda called Gen a FELLOW OVAL.. and Gen called hilda SHRIVELLED APPLE... wow... then went home and watched stuff...
and now, i was watching a show.. so byebye!!! |
title: JADE!!! OVAL!!! APPLE!!! today, i went to genevieve's house... when i got there... i called gen's handphone. but no one picked it up... so i wanted to call hilda and all of a sudden, i saw hilda's face "popping" out of the lift... haha lol... hen we went in her house and decided to play scrabble where all of us went crazy.. hilda, the inexperienced one won the game.. and why? COS I HELPED HER! i helped her get 60!!! i am so kind.. HAHA LOL... then genevieve was saying "dont put it there!" or something like that... but sadly, i put it there... guess the word.. it was RUB haha lol... then gen was asking the words that started with O... so we were like oval, office, offical and OVAL!! after the whole thing, hilda obviously won and i got second place and gen, she only had 50 plus... hilda got 121 and i got 100... if i did not help her, i could have WON! then after scrabble, we ate... after we ate, we asked emo to bathe.. lol.. so while emo bathed, we went down.. lol... we went to buy ice pops... i was the last one who opened my ice pop and i was the first the finish... LOL... then we went to the park and played ball and went to this thing and started chit chatting... gen was oval cos she was born in october.. then since her new nick name made use of the scrabble and her birthday, i decided that mine would be jade.. haha lol.. for Hilda, the only thing that came into my mind was APPLE.. so the title was our birthday names.. lol after ball we went up and emo was angry.. haha lol.. then we accompanied gen to watch hi my sweetheart.. and we laughed like siao... lol... there was this part where they said stuff three times... lol
then emo came in to spit at hilda... haha lol! then we ate ice-cream and EMO TOOK MY ICE CREAM!!! haiz.. then we went to send hilda home and then i purposely pop my head in her house.. she never lets anyone in her house... so sad.. lol.. then gen and i went cycling and this guy banged "my" bike... then we went up and down slopes... then we went back to her house to take my stuff and go home... we were "good" people and followed the law... we DISMOUNTED AND PUSHED ... lol... then we ran here and there and bought soya milk.. i went int he shuttle bus and gen smsed me that she finished her soya milk when mine was more than half... LOL... then i went home and hilda smsed me to go online whne i already am onlined.. lol.. then talked to hilda on msn and she asked me to play "hamburger" game... lol so byebye |
title: NERVOUS |
title: walk till ur leg aches? i just did it today.. i was in tm waiting for ppl to come and i wandered here and there until hilda poh the one who is usually late came early. i was SUPER surprised.. WOW. so i went there and she asked for coins... so i gave her 40cents(which she has not returned yet.. HAHA lol...u can keep it... like i are about it). then we met the other 3 ppl, faustina, jodie and celeste.. so we went and when we went in the mrt i started playing cake mania.. then i could not play properly while standing and one hand if holding the pole. so i played bounce instead.. hilda took my phone and helped me pass level ONE.. haha lol.. then when we reached, we went to takashimaya where we were suppose to eat at KFC and look at the BIG HUGE christmas tree. so we ate but DID NOT look at the christmas tree.. haiz.. after that we went to erm... erm.. whoops i forgot.. skipping to the part which i remember. we went to heeren or however u spell it and went to hilda's favourite shop called "upstairs" cool rite!? haha lol... after that we went to this new shopping mall and while going down the escalator, hilda all of a sudden said something and she ran to the shop called diva.. lol..
so i bought hilda's christmas present there and i bought earrings for someone.. LOL then we went to heeren again to rest and we bought drinks in coffee bean thingy.. lol.. i was the second one who finish my drink! YEAH! lol the we went to this place and cross to this mall and look around.. then we went out of the mall to cross back again.. how tiring... lol we wanted to go to far east mall so we passed this place where hilda waved to some kind of guy.. it was her uncle.. then we passed that mall and found out that it was a "dead end". and why did we get lost(and had to walk for like 30mins!!) was because of some kind of person named Hilda Poh.. lol.. so bugged her to ask her uncle where far east mall was... and the results are obvious, she did not do it... we passed at the place where we saw hilda's uncle while hilda passed thru the place where it was far from her uncle.. LOL.. then we went INSIDE a christmas tree. YEAH.. SO COOL!!! after the christmas tree we passed by paragon and went inside where i bought john a fake camera.. it looks real. lol then we on the way to far east mall, we rested and went on again.. so we went to far east mall and bought SHUTTER SHADES!! hilda bought shades.. lol.. then we went to ion to take pics.. these are some of it i have a THING for LONG cool escalators... and why? cos i dont see them everyday... not even once a week! or once a month! lol then after that we went to WALK to the MRT and we "fought" for the seats. lol.. then went home and blah blah blah... now i am chatting with them and they are rushing me... haiz.. lol i forgot something... today there are 3 ppl who "electrify" me.. and i kept on tripping.. and i was the only one with camera... lol |
title: WHAT AM I LEARNING!? this morning, i went to church and i tot i was going to be late for my duty... so i smsed Vanessa and blah blah blah... and i told her that i was going to be late.. then she told me that Joycelyn said that if i was late, i had to pay $50... but obviously she was joking... so i reach there on time... when we gathered for stuff, Joycelyn saw me and said, "eh! you are here!? i was waiting for my 50 bucks" then everyone laughed.... LOL...
then we went for classes and people kept on stepping on the "innocent" girl's bags... the one whose bag was stepped on most was Sashika... HAHA.. whoops... =D then after classes, they were "advertising" the guitar thingy which is not a guitar... i have no idea how to spell that thingy.. it is like a guitar but small... and the name was funny i kept on laughinh at it... LOL i dragged Sashika to go with me and learn it.. HAHA... the name is WEIRD and FUNNY.. lol.. then after church, went to buy my phone then went to eat and there was a free famous amos thing where everyone fought for it.. actually, i was the only one who was fighting for it.. LOL. then we went to look for a suit for john.. and john tot it was a swimming SUIT... LOL.. then at home, we tried the suit.. he looked like a small business man... HAHA LOL.. then i started talking to Sashika about some kind of songs.. i clearly stated something and she did it the other way round.. LOL BYE for now.. =D |
title: Good thing it did not rain... =D |
title: Another movie day today morning, i went fishing and right after we finish, the rain came along... LOL... then we fed the fishes and we went home..then i chatted with hilda and gen who did not believe that fishing was just 30mins...then i went to watch fantastic mr.fox... LAME... the movie was weird... the fox said that she was pregnant and yet she still dance like a mad fox... then after the movie we went to to stuff ice-skating stuff... first we watched the people perform.. SO COOL!! lol... then after the whole skating thing, went home talking about what we would do 2mr... lol
title: Tiring day? well, not really Haiz... ok i will start at the top...
This morning, i met Jodie infront of the MRT station... and then we almost took the wrong mrt and we talked about what if we were lost at woodlands... LOL.... and she said if we really get stuck at woodlands, she will ;leave me and take the taxi home... For me, i will find a bus stop and see the bus numbers and blah blah blah... at least i save more money than Jodie... LOL then we went to the cinema and waited for the rest to come... we hid behind the whatever u call that thing when we saw faustina... she went to the counter where jodie and i "pushed" her... LOL. And we found out that she did not even need to go to the counter at all... The next person that came was Celeste.. Then we went to the toilet then we went back and waited for 5 mins... then i told faustina if she wanted to know where Hilda was... so i brought her to this machine where there was Pooh Bear inside... Cos Hilda said she is a pooh bear... then at that moment, when fozzie and i reach that machine, the real Hilda came... so cool... lol then we bought our popcorn and drinks and waited for sabrina... when me and jodie already buy the popcorn, hilda took some of it!! Bad rite!? lol... so when faustina and Hilda bought theirs, jodie and i took from them.. LOL... then sabby finally came... then we went the place where the pople check ur ticket and the guy there said 6... so we went up and headed for cinema 6 when i remember and fozzie shouted that we were in cinema 4... So we were like, "but then the guy said 6!! he said 6!"... so we just went to cinema 4... then while the commericals started, we were all very nervously... "are u sure we are on the right cinema!? U sure or not!?" then this Jodie said "if the wrong movie comes out, i punch Faustina's face..." lol... but before that, i was having a fight with jodie for the seat.. LOL Then the movie started, and we calmed down because the movie starter said new moon... LOL... then during ALOT of parts in the movie, i kept on asking Jodie question like, "who is that!?, Is he a bad guy!?, What promise!?, what did she/he say!??" then she said "are u even paying attention to the movie!!?? then my answer was, of course not, i was paying attention to eating popcorn... and about the popcorn, i ate the most! i eat one whole popcorn that was in the LARGE box, and i ate some from sabby's one... LOL... then we walked to Gen's house and people were taking their own sweet time to walk... LOL... then we reach gen's house just to find out that kristal was still eating, so me and hilda were like LOOK INTO MY EYES! then she could not eat anymore... LOL... then some peoploe cycled some people run or more like WALK and one roller blade... so we went to the void deck, bubble tea shop and the park for 3 hours or was it 4!? who cares... then Gen, krisatl and i went up many slopes and went down many slopes... but Gen cycled through the most slopes followed by me then kristal... and in between, Hilda had to go home.. aww... then we went to the excerise place where i did an unintenional split and fell fall to the ground and sabby threw the thing over and it hit my hand... OUCH... lol then we went to the playground where i went upside down and fozzie took a picture... haiz... lol We went back to her house and faustina,Celeste,Sabrina,Jodie left already... So i was left with the two other people... we watch iCarly.. LOL. and we all laughed at the parts that were funny.. lol then we went down to play badminton and to get our hands black... the shuttlecock was suck in the tree and I manged to get it down lol... and i actually dont know who got it up there... and i found out that i lost my badminton skills... Haiz... then we wanted to buy ice pops but in the end, we bought drinks... and the weird part comes... LOL... cos before i meet jodie, i bought ice lemon tea... and then when we bought our drinks, i also bought ice lemon tea... then i took out the empty ice lemon tea bottle and asked where the dustbin was.. and there reaction was funny... " WOW!!! U DRINK SO FAST!" and then i told them why "i drank so fast" reason... LOL... but i wonder what would happen if i did not tell them... so they send me to the stoplight and i walked... when i saw the time i RAN! then i tot i missed my shuttle bus, in the end, it was just late... actually, it was not late at all... the shuttle bus was at 5.55 not 5.50... so i tot i missed it... then i hopped on and reached home and blah blah blah ok... thats all for now, BYE BYE!! :D |
title: Weird... Haiz...
i just found out that the person who called me a bytch, also commented on Gen's tagboard... do u even know how to spell the word properly!!?? i was going to "talk" to u, but my friends came and chatted with me on my tagboard, so i ignored u... but when i found out that u also did the same thing to gen, thats where i i decided not to ignore it... i actually have the same things to say as gen... if u actually said who u are,i really would have apologise... and seriously, gang!? WOW... and if u actually and finally put ur name, i would apologise... But if u dont, then how do u expect me to apologise an unknown person? unless u tell me on the tagboard or whereever that u want me to apologise first before u telling who u are... but that is going to be very weird... seriously... and one more tip for u, the next time u write something bad on someone's blog(which i dont hope u will), u better put ur name.... what i should be saying is, keep ur bad talks to urself... |
title: Friends Choose 15 friends that u can think of from your school and another 15 friends from outside school.
School: 1.Genevieve 2.Hilda 3.Faustina 4.Joy 5.Angel 6.Jeannie 7.Cheryl 8.Rachael 9.Celeste 10.Chloe ng 11.Corliss 12.Sarah 13.Nicole 14.Aliss 15.Chloe leong Outside: 1.Marilyn 2.Amanda 3.Kay ean 4.Beverly 5.Dana 6.Vanessa(ballet) 7.Sashika 8.Janice 9.Vanessa(church) 10.Lydia 11.Jean 12.Li ann 13.Su ann 14. Joycelyn 15. Psalm THANKS PEOPLE!! |
title: Names i notice that i have not been posting anything on my blog these few days.... then i shall post nonsense now...
So, welcome to the world of alphabets "talking".... a-apple b-Baboon c-cucmber d-dying from boredom somethimes e-exotic f-fat ppl falling off a bridge g-gardenia(flower, NOT BREAD) h-hyena i-innocent? NOT j-juggle jugs k-king???? l-lollipops m-money ($$$) lol n-nice nicece o-over the .......??? p-Pluto the Dog q-queen of ....??? r-rats s-Sandy t-Triboon! YEAH... lol u-UFO v-Vicky the EVIL baby sitter w-wet wet x-x-ray! it does not hurt y-yipee!!!!!!! z-zopity zoo Now u have seen the alphabets "talking"... i am this bored that i have nothing else to say... haiz.. Bye people! |