Dance till Your leg aches
Laugh till your stomach hurts
Smile till your cheeks ache
Walk till ur ankle and knee hurts
title: Friends Choose 15 friends that u can think of from your school and another 15 friends from outside school.
School: 1.Genevieve 2.Hilda 3.Faustina 4.Joy 5.Angel 6.Jeannie 7.Cheryl 8.Rachael 9.Celeste 10.Chloe ng 11.Corliss 12.Sarah 13.Nicole 14.Aliss 15.Chloe leong Outside: 1.Marilyn 2.Amanda 3.Kay ean 4.Beverly 5.Dana 6.Vanessa(ballet) 7.Sashika 8.Janice 9.Vanessa(church) 10.Lydia 11.Jean 12.Li ann 13.Su ann 14. Joycelyn 15. Psalm THANKS PEOPLE!! |