Dance till Your leg aches
Laugh till your stomach hurts
Smile till your cheeks ache
Walk till ur ankle and knee hurts
title: WEIRDEST and stupid dream that i had... Me and my family went to taka. while while in taka. Nicole lian smsed me saying that she finally got her FIRST PART TIME JOB in taka.. she was asking me to see her at this shop... on the way there, i got lost... then i all of a sudden saw Hilda.. then i was like "HILDA POH!!!!!!!!" then she turn around and dragged me to where nicole lian worked..and gen, she was wearing this costume that made me laughed and laugh... then i have no idea what happen and before going home, hilda stupidly say "hey! since there is 6 of us, then on monday, i will do the work... the tuesday will be you..... you..... you..." then nicole was like "NONONO!! i worked hard to get this job ok!! no way will i share it with u ppl" then whatever happened and then i woke up.. so stupid.. WHAT KIND OF DREAM IS THIS!!!??? we are only 12 and PART TIME JOB??? IN TAKA.????? WHAT!?????????? haiz... anyway, i just found out that fozzi tag on someone blog and i was shocked.. and i also tag and whatever... lol