Dance till Your leg aches
Laugh till your stomach hurts
Smile till your cheeks ache
Walk till ur ankle and knee hurts
title: FRIDAY! Went to tampines mall and WAITED for Gen and Hilda. We ate hashbrown and drank milo. i was the last to finish my hashbrown but the first to finish my milo! woohoo! we took a taxi to go downtown east. it cost $5.80. We met Nicole and play in tha arcade. Gen and Nicole were playing a shooting game CRAZILY!!! Soon(and finally), Faustina came. Hilda and I played the shooting game while the other 3 played drums. Soon, a shoulder tapper came. I will skip the details and get to the point. Hilda and I called Nicole but Nicole was playing, so the shoulder tapper did his "job"!!!! (skipping to the other main point) Hilda, Nicole and I were a little suspicious and ran all over the place, then, LESS THAN A MINUTE THA GUY CAME!!! We quickly ran out and pulled Faustina and Gen away. AND CAN U BELIEVE IT!!!??? THEY WERE COMPLAINING SAYING THAT THEY HAD AROUND TWO MORE LEVELS AND WASTED MONEY AND WHATEVER NONSENSE!.......................
After that, we ran to ETP, nicole was almost crushed by a motorcycle! Nicole was bending down trying to tie her shoeslace and a Pizza Hut motorcycle pass right infront of her face! Anyway, we ran to etp just to find out that it will open at 7pm!!! cause it is HELLOWEN!!! So, we walked to find a place to eat our lunch... On the way, Gen PUNCHED FAUSTAINA! Accidently. In the end, we ate at Kopitiam where we invented a soup. it had cabbage, cucumber, coke, Qoo and ice. We went BACK TO THE ARCADE and took crazy neoprints! Altogether, we used 2 machines but used each of them twice. after the CRAZY NEOPRINTS, we went to get a drink at coffee and tea leaves or whatever it is called. they drank different things, while i just drank water from my water bottle. Then we went to the toilet where i fought with hilda for a cubic! But sadly, i just gave it to Hilda. It was around 3.15 and we decided to go and LEARN cycling. So we had to RUN DOWN A CARPARK to go there. Hilda, Faustina and I did not know how to cycle!!! The three of us were having the same problems. We could not balance on the bike! Soon, Faustina was with Nicole cycling away Leaving us behind... i tried and tried and i finally got it!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then, two bikes were exchanged for a two seater bike cause of SOMEONE who still cant bike. After biking, we decided roller blade. in the end, faustina and I did not roller blade as we decided to teach the people that did not know how to blade. When Hilda was putting her shoes on, i was like "nagging" at her. " Wrong way lah!!! Is like that! NO!!! Not that! THAT!!!....." then the owner say also talking to her. then hilda said SHUT UP to me. But the owner thought that Hilda was talking to him!!! Then one of his friends saw it and laugh! SO FUNNY! anyway, Hilda can actually cycle and skate but, her cycling problem was that she did not want to go fast enough. Her skating problem was caused by the shoes.... IT WAS A LONG, FUNNY AND TIRING DAY!!! and yet i have the energy to use the com... YEAH!!! |
title: One of the WORST days ever YUCK! yesterday morning, woke up at 4.45am... but still stayed in bed.. i felt warm and giddy! although felt unwell, i went on with the plans. Only at 7pm then i took my temperature. it was 39.2! We went to tampines as we were going to watch "Cloudy with a chance of meatballs"(so that day was not that bad after all). we walked here and there finding a clinic which made me wanna faint! Finally we found one. so i had HIGH fever and sore throat. i ate the tablet and felt like running away. cause the next medicine i had to drink was ANTI-something...(whoops, forgot the name). it was the height of my phone and the width is the height of my niddle finger. i had to drink at ALL AT ONCE! I drank little by little. i wanted to vomit almost 3 times but my mum was there looking at me... it smelt like rotten bubblegum... yuck again....
anyway, about the movie, IT WAS COOL!!! lol |
title: Friends Write the names of 15 friends you can think off, and then answer the questions.After doing this, tag your 15 friends to do the same
1. Hilda 2. Gen 3. Rachael 4. Joy 5. Angel 6. vania 7. nicole 8. michelle 9. Angelica 10.Sarah Hasri 11. Sashika 12. Janice 13. Lydia 14. Jodie 15. Janelle 1) How old is 10? Sarah- 12 2) When did you get to know 1? Hilda-Last year 3) What is 14 good at? Jodie-Sucking people's blood 4) Have you been to 3's house? Rachael- yes 5) Would 7 and 12 make a good couple? Nicole and janice - They don't even know each other. 6) Is 5 your best friend? Angel - Nope. 7) What would 9 be doing in 10 year's time? Sarah- Working? 8) What is 6's favourite color? Vania - Black??? I dunno. 9) When was the last time you saw 4? joy- 16th oct 10) What is 11's nickname? Sashika - Sushi 11) Will you see 2 tomorrow? Gen-no 12) How often does 5 talk to you? Angel - ALOT! 13) Would you ever date 13? Lydia - No way 14) Do you share any common interests with 8? Michelle - dont think so 15) What is the best thing about 15? Janelle- erm... 16) Is there something special you want to say to 7? Nicole- yes! WHEN YOU'RE GOING MARRY ZAC EFRON, INVITE ME TO UR WEDDING! 17) Will you marry 4? Joy- NO WAY!!! 18) What would 9 do if you were to give him/her $10,000? Angelica - erm... go to whatever country she wants?? 19) How long have you known 10? Sarah- Since P1 20) Is 14 ever going to see you again? Jodie - DUH! 21) How is 11 different from 6? Vania and Sashika - one is a christian and the other is not 22) Is 13 cute? Lydia- erm.... no 23) Would you go on a holiday with 2? gen- erm.. ok... as long as she does ot go crazy or i will pretnd that i dont know her 24) Is 8 a family friend? Michelle-no 25) Do you envy 3? Rachael- no 26) Would you kill 12? Janice- no way! 27) What is 1's favourite singer/band? Hilda- Dunno. 28) Does 5 own any pets? Angel- yes.. a cute little puppy! 29) Have you gotten in trouble with 15? Janelle- dont think so 30) Have you lied to 2? Gen- Yes... now for the truth. sry hilda and rac. when she could not open a simple door was because it was locked!(but good laughs anyway) 31) What is 8's ambition? Michelle- Dunno 32) Have you been to the movies with 14? Jodie- dont think so 33) Would you give 9 a hug? Angelica-For what??? 34) Would you attend 11's wedding? Sashika- yes!!! even if i am not invited!!! MUAHAHAHAs 35) What was your first impression of 4? Joy - Confused!!! (HAHAHA!!!) 36) Does 6 have a secret? Vania- Should be 37) What is the relationship between 3 and 7? Rachael and nicole- Classmates 38) Is 12 an early riser? Janice- not sure 39) Does 1 have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Hilda- Dont think so... 40) Is 10 a good kisser? Sarah- (eww) I don't know 41) What's the worst thing about 15? Janelle- Nothing. 42) Do you think 13 likes you? Lydia- As a friend maybe 43) Have you ever fought with 5? Angel- small fights. 44) Will you throw 7 into the sea? Nicole- i tricked her into falling into the pool, so maybe. i mean as long as she is not far away from the shore 45) Has 9 met 6 before? Vania and Angelica-ya. but not sure if they remember 46) Would you invite 4 for a sleepover? Joy- Sure 47) Have you ever hurt 11? Sashika- not sure... if i did, sry then. 48) Do you live close to 15? Janelle- Nope. 49) What present is ideal for 2? Gen- dunno 50) What's 12's favourite pastime? Janice- Reading? 51) Does 3 drive? Rachael- no 52) Would you buy a car for 5? Angel- NO. i would not want to die! 53) Would 8 and 10 make good siblings? Michelle and Sarah- NO! |
title: The outing on TUESDAY ![]() Looks like someone can eat this all at once... WOW!!! I think Hilda is trying to take a picture of herself! i mean look at where the camera is facing! Hilda looks as if she is frustrated that she cant find the missing puzzle piece. Gen is laughing like mad as she finished a puzzle and going happily crazy while the other two are quiet and trying to finish the puzzle. Gen, a piece of advice. SHHHHH! Gen is crying as her puzzle was ruined because she was noisy... (next time, take my advice, be quiet so that no one will disturb you... HAHAHA) Looks like Hilda is still trying to figure out the puzzle... GOGOGO! |
title: The second wet wet Victims:ME, hilda, rachael and a new victim, genevive
Date of accident: 20th october (FAST FORWARDING TO THE SECOND INCIDENT OF THAT DAY)(if surprised that there was a first one on that day, ask the victims.) story of the first and new victim Gen says: i was happily sitting on the swing which was in the pool. Unknowingly, hilda and trixie pressed the button which will allow water from the playground to "WHISH WHOOSH"(it really means splash out from pipes). since i was sitting on the swing, i was splashed by water from the top... story of the second victim who was willing to be a victim hilda poh says: when i was there, i decided to jump in the pool with rachael and trixie. but in the end, when i was about to jump into the pool, i was pushed by trixie.... story of third victim ME says: i was just sadly pushed into the pool.... story of fourth victim: Rachael says: i was dragged by trixie ad hilda. my left hand was dragged by hilda and the other was by trixie... and they successfully pushed me into the pool... |
title: The first wet wet The first WET WET which occurred on the 10th of july
victims:ME, hilda, joy,nicole,Vania and Rachael culprits: the same as the victims Story of first victim Nicole Lian says: Trixie asked me to slide down the slide which was in the pool. i obediently slide and splashed into the pool and got wet from head to toe. then i got angry and wanted revenge. So, i pulled her towards the pool. But sadly, she managed to let go, leaving me to fall back in the pool... sad sad Story of the second victim Vania Limantara says: I was sadly pulled and pushed into the pool by nicole, trixie and rachael. when i got in, they splashed me with water till i was totally wet...(better than nicole lian) Story of the third victim Hilda Poh says: I was being a good girl and showing my PRECIOUS friend(who was the one who gave the culprit the chance to make me get wet), joy, that our watch was waterproof. i bent down the pool and put my watch in and SUDDENLY, i was pushed into the pool! story of fourth victim ME says: i was just successfully dragged in the pool and was wet.... that's all i can say story of fifth victim Joy says: My BEAUTIFUL plan was ruined... i thought by running away from them would cause them to be tired and stop chasing after me.. BUT, i was caught and dragged and pushed into the pool... story of the sixth victim who was not wet entirely Rachael says: HAHAHAHA!!!!!! at first, i was not being "bullied" by them as i had a VERY GOOD excuse... i was supposed to have a piano lesson after the "accident", and i did not have extra clothes... so they did not bother me... when the "accident" was over, i received a phone call that my lesson was cancelled... but what can they do??? |