Dance till Your leg aches
Laugh till your stomach hurts
Smile till your cheeks ache
Walk till ur ankle and knee hurts
title: The first wet wet The first WET WET which occurred on the 10th of july
victims:ME, hilda, joy,nicole,Vania and Rachael culprits: the same as the victims Story of first victim Nicole Lian says: Trixie asked me to slide down the slide which was in the pool. i obediently slide and splashed into the pool and got wet from head to toe. then i got angry and wanted revenge. So, i pulled her towards the pool. But sadly, she managed to let go, leaving me to fall back in the pool... sad sad Story of the second victim Vania Limantara says: I was sadly pulled and pushed into the pool by nicole, trixie and rachael. when i got in, they splashed me with water till i was totally wet...(better than nicole lian) Story of the third victim Hilda Poh says: I was being a good girl and showing my PRECIOUS friend(who was the one who gave the culprit the chance to make me get wet), joy, that our watch was waterproof. i bent down the pool and put my watch in and SUDDENLY, i was pushed into the pool! story of fourth victim ME says: i was just successfully dragged in the pool and was wet.... that's all i can say story of fifth victim Joy says: My BEAUTIFUL plan was ruined... i thought by running away from them would cause them to be tired and stop chasing after me.. BUT, i was caught and dragged and pushed into the pool... story of the sixth victim who was not wet entirely Rachael says: HAHAHAHA!!!!!! at first, i was not being "bullied" by them as i had a VERY GOOD excuse... i was supposed to have a piano lesson after the "accident", and i did not have extra clothes... so they did not bother me... when the "accident" was over, i received a phone call that my lesson was cancelled... but what can they do??? |