Dance till Your leg aches
Laugh till your stomach hurts
Smile till your cheeks ache
Walk till ur ankle and knee hurts
title: One of the WORST days ever YUCK! yesterday morning, woke up at 4.45am... but still stayed in bed.. i felt warm and giddy! although felt unwell, i went on with the plans. Only at 7pm then i took my temperature. it was 39.2! We went to tampines as we were going to watch "Cloudy with a chance of meatballs"(so that day was not that bad after all). we walked here and there finding a clinic which made me wanna faint! Finally we found one. so i had HIGH fever and sore throat. i ate the tablet and felt like running away. cause the next medicine i had to drink was ANTI-something...(whoops, forgot the name). it was the height of my phone and the width is the height of my niddle finger. i had to drink at ALL AT ONCE! I drank little by little. i wanted to vomit almost 3 times but my mum was there looking at me... it smelt like rotten bubblegum... yuck again....
anyway, about the movie, IT WAS COOL!!! lol |